

Benchmarks measuring native react, tw-classed, class-variance-authority and stitches.js. Keep in mind that stitches.js is a CSS-in-JS library, so it's not a fair comparison, but was added in order to see how tw-classed performs against the fastest CSS-in-JS library.

All benchmarks are performed on a 2021 Macbook Pro 13" with M1 chip and 8GB ram.

Mounting and unmounting a button

Mounting and unmounting a button with variant props. Performed 1000x to get a stable result.

Mount button with variantsstitches.jstw-classedcvareact00. ms. (lower is better)

When mounting and unmounting a button with variant props, react is the fastest (no shock here), followed by cva and tw-classed. stitches.js is the slowest.